Monday, March 23, 2020

Happy Monday 2D!

Hope each of you were able to enjoy the sunshine on Saturday and the snowflakes on Sunday! How CrAzY was that! I have decided that I am going to go ahead and start reading our next chapter book to you! Surely between the three teenagers in this house the can help me figure this out! 
It's about a girl and a dog, here's a clue...

Has anyone tried the site yet? Was curious how it was going.


  1. Didn't realize there was a whole other thing I was supposed to be checking with her on the daily! Just got freckle bookmarked and check out what you had posted. I'll incorporate that into their daily lessons too. She is super excited to test the reading counts though.

  2. No worries! This is a resource that will help keep them on track.

  3. Try typing first name and then you last initial for your last name.

  4. Blake says hi to everyone and he misses you so much! We hope everyone is staying healthy!

  5. We were able to get Lainyn logged into I got her in a good spot for her age, and then somewhere, somehow she was on a division problem. Things like that kept happening, to where some of the skills/questions were over her head. Of course I was sitting next to her working and I was able to spot it fairly quickly, but I just couldn't figure out how to keep everything she was doing at her grade level. Otherwise I really liked the set up and the options for her to choose from to work on!

  6. A friend of mine introduced me to BrainPOP Jr.
    You have to make an account, but you then have free access due to COVID, until schools are released back into session. It has math, social studies, health, science, reading/writing...etc. Seems easy to use and there are tutorials that teach on the topics first, and then quiz options.
