Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Countdown to Communion

Countdown to Communion

The days leading up to your child's First Communion are a very special time. I encourage you to read the following passages as a family and reflect on the readings. 

Monday...Mark 14:22-26
Tuesday...Luke 22:14-20
Wednesday...Acts 2:42-47
Thursday...1 Corinthians 10:16-17
Friday 1 Corinthians 11;23-32
Saturday John 6:22-59
Sunday...Today you receive HIM!!!!

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Summer Slide

As our days get longer,  warmer, and we anxiously await the end of the school year it is time to think about summer! Studies show that children who do not read or have access to books during the summer lose up to two months of reading performance. Those losses accumulate during the elementary years so that by the time a child enters middle school he/she may be 2 1/2 years behind. Here are a few ideas to avoid the summer slide!

  • Visit the library! Help your child find "right fit" books.  Right fit books are books that are of high interest to your child and are not beyond their reading level. You can use the five finger test to determine if the books is too difficult for your child. 
  • Be sure your child reads at least 20 minutes a day!
  • According to research, a child who reads only 1 minute a day outside of school will learn 8,000 words by the end of sixth grade where a student who reads 20 minutes outside of school will learn 1,800,000 words! 
  • Set a good example. When you read to your child, he/she hears the rhythm of language. Be sure to read with expression. 
  • If you have access o an iPad, there are tons of interactive books and apps that address phonics,  reading skills and many math skills. The iPad isn't just for watching YouTubers!
  • Practice addition and subtraction math facts! 
  • Play games with words. Commercial games such as Apples to Apples improves vocabulary. 
  • Summer Bridge skills book that is available at Classroom Connection or Downtown Book & Town are excellent activity books that have a skill to work on each day.
  • Summer tutoring is also an option. If you would like more information regarding a summer tutoring program just let me know.